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Office Olympics: This Year’s Secret to Enhancing Employee Wellness Programs

According to a survey from the International Olympic Committee, nearly 4 billion people tuned in to watch the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. With the 2024 Paris Olympics fast approaching, employer organizations are feeling the excitement and national pride that only a global event can inspire. 

And with the added convenience and accessibility of streaming the Games through TV, websites, apps, and social media, there lies an opportunity for workplaces to revitalize engagement initiatives while also promoting health and wellbeing. 

Enter the long-standing tradition of "Office Olympics." But these aren't your average lunchtime competitions anymore—now, they can double as a pathway to enhancing wellness program engagement through team-building, physical fitness, and mentally stimulating activities.

Office Olympics are Changing the Corporate Wellness Game

In recent years, the importance of workplace wellness has surged to the forefront of human resource conversations. In the midst of rising stress levels, employee burnout, and flexible work arrangements, organizations are under pressure to foster healthier environments. 

Fortunately, group-centric events like Office Olympics present a fun and engaging solution that serves not just as a team-building exercise but also as an integral part of a holistic wellness strategy.

“Special occasions like the Olympics open doors for organizations to plan events that bring coworkers together and allow them to showcase their best selves,” says Alice Raflores, Vice President of People and Culture at WellRight. “Now is the perfect time to ride the wave of national support and bring it to life through engaging, health-focused activities to break up the work day.” 

Promoting Physical Fitness

Encouraging Movement:

At its core, Office Olympics encourage employees to get up, move, and engage in physical activity. From relay races to mini-golf putting contests, these events can be tailored to any and all ability levels to break up the monotony of desk work and promote movement in a fun, judgment-free way.

Improving Health Outcomes:

By integrating fitness into work routines through special events like Office Olympics, organizations can take a proactive stance to improving employee wellbeing. According to the World Health Organization, regular physical activity reduces the risk of chronic diseases and enhances overall health. Combining physical activity with fun workplace events only doubles the benefits, as employees who participate in casual physical activity during the work day report higher levels of engagement and creative problem-solving than those who don’t. 

Building Stronger Teams

Fostering Collaboration:

Team-based activities like Office Olympics foster healthy collaboration and communication among colleagues. When employees motivate one another and work towards a common goal, interpersonal relationships naturally strengthen as a result, creating more cohesive and productive teams. 

Enhancing Morale:

Office Olympics bring an element of fun into the workplace, allowing employees to unwind and enjoy their time at work. Celebrating individual and team victories can significantly enhance employee morale, creating a more positive and productive environment where employees can be their best, authentic selves.

Stimulating Mental Engagement

Cognitive Challenges:

While employee health outcomes and engagement are heavily influenced by regular physical activity, the benefits that come from events like Office Olympics don’t end there. In addition to offering much-needed breaks during the work day, incorporating mentally stimulating challenges—like trivia contests or brain teasers—as part of an Office Olympics initiative engages participants' minds and sharpens their cognitive skills. 

Building Resilience:

Facing challenges, both physical and mental, helps build resilience among employees. Learning how to handle competitive pressure in a safe work environment can translate to improved performance and productivity, equipping teams with strategies needed to manage stress effectively.

Maximizing Event Success with a Wellness Platform

To unlock the potential of Office Olympics, organizations can measure success by connecting event participation to their larger wellness program strategy. Capturing engagement data related to personal and group fitness goals can paint employers a picture of what each employee needs to thrive—and which program elements they most appreciate.

“Motivation means something different to each employee, which means they require personalized activities, resources, and recognition to succeed,” explains Raflores. “Leveraging a digital wellness platform that can tailor programming to each employee’s needs—and also adapt to fun, timely themes like the Olympics—is key to keeping employees engaged, focused on their health goals, and eager to come back for more.”

To get the most out of a wellness initiative like Office Olympics, organizations can weave the following elements into a larger wellness program:

  1. Rewards and recognition engines: Once employees complete activities or objectives and Olympic winners are announced, rewards and achievements can be instantaneously given within your wellness platform. Finalists can be awarded bronze, silver, or gold medals with personalized incentives—such as a complimentary PTO day or lunch voucher—attached to each.
  2. Text tracking features: Make it easy for employees and teams to view and track progress by enabling text tracking throughout your Office Olympics wellness campaign. Employees can receive instant reminders about activity completion and progress so they can remain focused on their goals, keep their teammates accountable, and claim their spots at the top of the leaderboard.
  3. Aggregated engagement data: After the conclusion of your Office Olympics, utilize data collected through your wellness platform to analyze participation levels and measure overall success. This information can guide future wellness initiatives and ensure continuous improvement.

Transform Employees Into Wellness Olympians

The upcoming 2024 Olympic Games are the perfect backdrop for organizations to think creatively about employee wellness. By capitalizing on fun, timely events like Office Olympics, employers can further their overall corporate wellness strategies through activities that promote physical and mental health, team collaboration, and engagement.

Want to know what it takes to develop a wellness program that can integrate your ideas and make your benefits stand out? Reach out to our experts today!

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