Food Distributor Delighted With WellRight’s Buffet of Options

Seeking Improved Efficiency, Increased Engagement
Identifying the Challenge:
Wholesale food distributor Nicholas and Company already had a wellness program. It started simply, with some biometrics screening and coaching, and from there grew into a modest program with a handful of wellness challenges. However, the challenges didn’t offer enough variety to appeal to all employees. And inefficient paper tracking created so much of a backlog, there was never enough time to revitalize the program.
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Considering the Options:
Nicholas and Company wanted to bring in a wellness program partner who could help make their program more flexible and more efficient. “Every program provider we interviewed, though, wanted us to set aside what we’d done and adopt with their programming,” says Melanie Willis, Wellness Director at Nicholas and Company. She preferred not to abandon the components of their wellness program that were working well, just the ones that weren’t.
Tailor-Made Wellness
Building a Solution:
Melanie met with WellRight and was thrilled to discover that, with the help of her WellRight account manager, she could easily integrate WellRight’s challenges and platform into the program she’d already created. She also was excited to explore the hundreds of available challenges covering a broad spectrum of wellness that would give their program some welcome variety.
A Dramatic Change
Loving the Results:
Melanie and the rest of the staff quickly fell in love with the versatility of WellRight’s programming and platform, which allows them to customize their goals, their challenges, and their tracking. Even better, after implementing WellRight, the company’s healthcare spend was the lowest it had been in six years, and participation in the wellness program increased dramatically.