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The Future of Employee Wellbeing in 2024: How Do Your Holistic Wellness Solutions Measure Up?

As employers continue to discover the profound impact workplace wellness has on engagement, productivity, and job satisfaction, employee wellbeing continues to be a critical focus that can benefit the entire organization. Today, this focus has grown and evolved across various dimensions of health, signaling the end of traditional, one-size-fits-all wellness programming.

From heightened attention to workplace initiatives that bridge the gap between physical and mental wellbeing to rising interest in automated tools to reduce stress, the workplace wellness landscape looks much different this year than in previous years. As it continues to evolve, employers can position their organizations for success with holistic wellness programming that touches each dimension of health and is fueled by actionable engagement data.

Here’s What Employers Are Saying About The Current State of Employee Wellness

In last year’s “State of Employee Wellbeing” report from HR.com, we learned that workplaces were finally beginning to settle into a “new normal” on the heels of the pandemic. In 2024, employers are finally recognizing the importance of expanding wellness benefits and access to critical support, but many are struggling to figure out how to keep that momentum going.

While only 46.2% of employers rated their employee wellness programs as moderately effective this year, more respondents ranked their programs as “highly” or “very highly” effective—nearly 28% of employers, compared to just 22% last year.

So what are employers doing to drive these positive changes? 

Employee wellbeing initiatives that see lasting success have become increasingly targeted, dynamic, and personalized, addressing all areas of wellbeing and presenting specific content relevant to each user. As workplaces and trends continue to change year to year, so do the people within them, spelling out the importance of adaptable, engaging, and human-centric wellness programming.

Let’s take a closer look at a few of the key trends shaping this shift from HR.com’s 2024 State of Employee Wellbeing survey:

1. Physical Wellbeing Plays Into Mental Health—In a Big Way

Employers are renewing their interest in benefits that accentuate physical wellbeing, but with a new understanding of the role it plays in influencing mental health. 

While over 86% of employers say that expanding health insurance offerings has been their main focus this year, 69% maintain that access to mental health support is just as important. With employee burnout and sleep deprivation still posing challenges for organizations across the board, a multi-pronged approach to wellness with programming that bridges the gap between mental, physical, and all other dimensions of health is essential to seeing improved outcomes.

Promoting holistic wellness activities that combine physical and emotional wellbeing can create a fun, supportive environment, if housed within an easily accessible wellness platform. Doing so has not only been proven to boost employee engagement, but it also fosters a healthier workplace culture that will attract and retain talent. 

Related Reading: Office Olympics: This Year's Secret to Enhancing Employee Wellness Programs

2. Employees Are Stressed, But AI is Here to Help

Employee stress remains a critical challenge in 2024, particularly as it pertains to workloads, personal finances, and tenuous global issues. 

Over 83% of companies cite stress as the most common health-related issue they have encountered in the last year. Yet, despite the growing awareness of the issue, only 33% of HR managers are calling on their leaders to do something about it, suggesting a huge gap in care due to one-dimensional wellbeing support.

Interestingly enough, the integration of AI and automated work software has emerged as a potential solution to workplace stress. Approximately 33.8% of organizations have been utilizing AI as a means to automate repetitive tasks, thereby reducing stressful workloads and allowing employees to focus on more meaningful and engaging work, improving their mental wellbeing as a result.

3. Flexibility Done Right is an Effective Solvent for Burnout

Flexibility has been the name of the workplace wellness game these last few years, and that hasn’t changed in 2024. 

Nearly 65% of organizations are actively promoting work-life balance with flexible arrangements and asynchronous work models to improve wellbeing, as more employers recognize how rigid schedules contribute to burnout and stress. In particular, flexible work arrangements are one of the most popular ways organizations support employee mental health, with almost 60% seeing improved health outcomes as a result.

With over half of employees still struggling to balance work and personal obligations, it’s never been more critical to establish a well-rounded hybrid working structure that can accommodate each employee’s needs. And with a digital wellness solution that can reach employees anywhere, any time, and through multiple devices, personal growth becomes an ongoing rather than stagnant endeavor.

Related Reading: The Power of Social Wellness: Building Stronger Teams Through Wellness Programs

4. Employee Wellbeing Is Multifaceted—So Why Isn’t Wellness Programming?

The word of the year among corporate wellness teams is “holistic”—and that doesn’t appear to be going away anytime soon.

But illustrating the need for programming that effectively addresses all areas of wellbeing remains a challenge for many benefits teams. Despite the growing focus on multidimensional and personalized wellbeing, 33% of employers report their initiatives are not integrated or holistic enough to sustain real behavior change. 

This lack of investment in qualified wellness solutions leaves holes in areas of employee wellbeing that could be filled with simple but personalized programming. For example, over half of employers recognize personal finances as the biggest challenge to helping employees thrive personally and professionally. While factors like inflation, economic tensions, and child- or eldercare expenses can’t be changed, targeted wellness programming can arm employees with the knowledge they need to plan for a healthier financial future.

What Will Workplace Wellbeing Look Like Next Year?

As the landscape of employee wellbeing continues to evolve over the next year, staying informed about the latest trends and best practices is crucial for organizations aiming to create a supportive and productive work environment,

WellRight’s intuitive wellness platform is designed to address the unique needs of your workforce, providing comprehensive support that promotes all dimensions of health and wellbeing. To learn more about how WellRight can help your organization, request a demo today.

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